Farmspeak provides livestock farmers with IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Climate-Smart Technologies aimed at enhancing productivity, increasing profit margins, and facilitating data-driven agriculture practices.
“Within the realm of Green Technology and Sustainability, particularly in Agriculture, my professional goals center around harnessing technology to advance sustainable farming practices, minimize environmental impact, and bolster food security across Africa. I aspire to make significant contributions at the nexus of agriculture and technology, fostering innovative solutions that address global food challenges while promoting ecological balance on the continent. My entrepreneurial journey was sparked by a deep understanding of the challenges faced by farmers, particularly my own parents who were livestock farmers.
“From its inception, Farmspeak has been instrumental in creating sustainable and impactful solutions for smallholder poultry farmers. One significant issue facing smallholder poultry farmers is the high energy consumption cost resulting from excessive charcoal burning. Through our interventions, our impact has been observed to bring a 63.4% increase in productivity, a 40% reduction in energy consumption costs, a 70% increase in profit, and improved livelihoods for these farmers. Part of our impact is being able to train and sensitise over 5000 poultry farmers within the western part of Nigeria.”
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